
The Playground community has elected to monetize our servers. This allows us to provide free services to our community members, but allow us to extend our options by providing things such as premium priority queues, customized donator gear, and special events. We do not require any users to participate in these paid perks, nor do we offer any Pay to Play requirements. These options are strictly available to help fund the community. The proceeds for these options will be used to assist in paying for server operating costs, mod development, and expansion of our community into new game avenues. Currently this monetization policy only pertains to our DayZ Standalone servers.

The following items are inclusive of our Monetization Policy:

  • Priority Queues: Survivors may elect to purchase priority queue access into our Servers. This is not a requirement but may enable players to get back into the action quicker.
  • Customized Donator Gear: This pertains to clothing items only. We intend to add additional options such as ingame name drops, customized weapons, and more.
  • Sponsored Events: We will offer members only events from time to time, and at times these will only be available to donators as a token of our appreciation.

If you have questions on this, visit the Bohemia’s DayZ Monetization rules here.


The Playground does accept donations. These funds help to provide funding for our community. We do not require any community member to donate, it’s strictly voluntary.

Here are what donations go towards:

  • Dedicated Server Hosting
  • Website Hosting
  • Community Enhancements

This list is not comprehensive and is subject to change.